Black Eyed Susan
Black-eyed Susan is a versatile, easy to grow biennial that readily self-seeds creating a consistent long-term planting. It produces masses of showy blooms throughout the season, can be used in boarders, containers, wildflower plantings and as cut flowers. It also supports a variety of birds, bees and butterflies.
Botanical name: Rudbeckia hirta
Bloom time: June - September
Height: 1’ - 3’
Sun Exposure: Full to partial sun
Soil Moisture: Moist to dry
Hardiness Zone: zones 3 - 8
Supports: Butterflies, birds
Available for pick-up in May
Black-eyed Susan is a versatile, easy to grow biennial that readily self-seeds creating a consistent long-term planting. It produces masses of showy blooms throughout the season, can be used in boarders, containers, wildflower plantings and as cut flowers. It also supports a variety of birds, bees and butterflies.
Botanical name: Rudbeckia hirta
Bloom time: June - September
Height: 1’ - 3’
Sun Exposure: Full to partial sun
Soil Moisture: Moist to dry
Hardiness Zone: zones 3 - 8
Supports: Butterflies, birds
Available for pick-up in May
Black-eyed Susan is a versatile, easy to grow biennial that readily self-seeds creating a consistent long-term planting. It produces masses of showy blooms throughout the season, can be used in boarders, containers, wildflower plantings and as cut flowers. It also supports a variety of birds, bees and butterflies.
Botanical name: Rudbeckia hirta
Bloom time: June - September
Height: 1’ - 3’
Sun Exposure: Full to partial sun
Soil Moisture: Moist to dry
Hardiness Zone: zones 3 - 8
Supports: Butterflies, birds
Available for pick-up in May
Black-eyed Susan is a versatile, easy to grow biennial that readily self-seeds creating a consistent long-term planting. It produces masses of showy blooms throughout the season, can be used in boarders, containers, wildflower plantings and as cut flowers. It also supports a variety of birds, bees and butterflies.
The plant is drought tolerant and does well in many soil types as long as it is not overly wet. Additional moisture will create more blooms under drought conditions. Do not dead head until late in the year after seeds have dropped in order to maintain a stand over time.
Black-eyed Susan is a high value plant to many butterflies, bees and moths, a seed source for birds and is a larval host plant for the Silvery checkerspot, Gorgone checkerspot and Bordered patch butterfly. It is also highly deer resistant.
Black eyed Susan is the state flower of Maryland and historically used as a herbal medicine by some Native American tribes as a poultice for snake bites and an infusion for treating colds.
The plant is found throughout the United States and much of Canada.
Other common names for Black-eyed Susan include Brown-eyed Susan, Brown betty, Golden Jerusalem, English bull's eye and Poor-land daisy.
Volume Discounts:
5% off orders over $50. Use code: 20245%
10% off orders over $75. Use code: 202410%
15% off orders over $100. Use code: 202415%
Our farm does not have a retail space. In-person sales and online sale pick-ups are arranged via telephone 608-432-5578, Facebook Messenger and email to as well as through periodic special events. Restoration and bulk sale (100+ plants) inquiries should be directed to Erin Crain-Sullivan at 608-432-5578 or with “attention Erin” in the subject line.
Online purchases reserve plants for on-site pick-up only. We are located at W6628 Patchin Road in Wyocena, Wisconsin - about a half hour north of Madison. We offer limited plant delivery in Dane and Columbia counties for $12 on orders over $100. Call 608-432-5578 or email to inquire about delivery.
We accept cash and checks at the farm and credit cards through our website.